The Prayer Room
In 2005, God invited 24-7 to create a Christ-centered space in the city for people to connect with Him one-on-one. A place to host encounters.
24-7 transformed a few thousand sq ft near uptown into a place for you to step out of the fray & refuel.
It's a prayer room for people
who live in the real world.
Pray. Read. Reflect. Study. Journal. Intercede. Paint. Draw. Create. Chill, be still. Get some one-on-one with God at your own pace - not someone else's.
There are community spaces for groups & plenty of personal spaces for just you. Ancient & modern liturgy stations help you engage in meaningful conversation with Christ, mission-minded prayer for others, & for issues of justice locally & globally.
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Provocative art, great music, a stocked library, comfortable furniture, coffee, wifi, & plenty of places to plug in your laptop.
Work. Rest. Pray.
Pull aside & encounter God here.
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The Charlotte Prayer Room is currently Open!!