
Support CLT's Sacred Space
In 2005, God called a group of believers to establish a place of Vertical dialogue and a goodness revolution! Since then, the Charlotte Prayer Room (24-7 Prayer) has championed Prayer, Mission and Justice throughout our city. And at the Heart of it all is One Vison - One Big Idea! The Vision is Jesus, obsessively, dangerously, undeniably Jesus. This 18-year journey has been possible by God’s grace and the generosity of others.
Because of that, we are seeking your help to continue stewarding encounters with God. Your donations will help keep the doors open and resource the prayer room. It will allow us to host groups, create content, and provide radical hospitality.
It will enable our team to continue Christ-centered, mission-minded initiatives of Prayer, Mission and Justice for both City and Soul Transformation for Christ!
The Big Ask:
Be a Monthly Partner (Goal 100 monthly $20 Partners)
Be a Church Partner (Goal 1 monthly $200-$500 Mission Partner)